You Failed Your Running Workout – Now What?
If you are a runner chances are you've had your fair share of failed running workouts. We love our training plans don't we? We've got a set goal for each day, paces for workouts, and know exactly what is expected of us as we step foot out the door. Some workouts go...

Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 4}
Week 4 of 5k training is DONE! Yes! I had a really successful week and it ended at the beach. You can't get much better than that. I'm officially halfway through this new training cycle and I'm excited to already be seeing improvements in speed. They may be small but...

4 Pelvic Floor Exercises for Postpartum Runners
Note: I am not a licensed physical therapist or physician. The exercises provided in this post are simply exercise I have done to help strengthen my weak pelvic floor when beginning to run again postpartum. If you feel you are suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction...

Finding Speed Postpartum {5k Training Week 3}
I wish I could tell you that getting speed back postpartum for me has been easy so far. It hasn't. I wish I could tell you that I'm seeing drastic improvements. I'm not. BUT I can tell you that little by little I am gaining mental strength, learning how to push...

5 Key Running Workouts to Develop Speed and Become Faster
Ready to become a faster runner? Try these key running workouts to go after your goals! I can still remember my first race to this day. It was a local 5k and I was pretty sure I was going to die. However; the moment I finished I remember thinking - I want to get...