6 Common Lies About Running
There is a lot of information out there about running. Many opinions, options, and plans that it can often seem overwhelming. It's easy to get so focused on all the information out there that we starting falling for some of the "lies" about running. I'm sure it's no...

How Motherhood Has Made Me a Better Runner
Throughout my pregnancy I thought about postpartum running but often just assumed it would be the same as it is now. Of course, I knew motherhood would mean revolving around someone else's schedule but that was about it. I didn't know any different so there was really...

4 Ways to Find the Right Trainer
This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Sometimes we all need a little help. I remember the exact day that my husband decided he needed to take his running to the next level and hire a running...

Boston Marathon Training {Week 6}
Boston Marathon Training Week 6 (13 Weeks Postpartum) We are one week closer to the Boston Marathon and as the weeks pass I am getting more and more excited! Sure, I don't feel ready yet but I know it is going to be the most amazing experience. This week went pretty...

Easton: 3 Months Old
I know my Easton updates steer a little away from running, but I hope you'll let me sneak a few of these in because they are so fun for me to do. Wednesday our sweet boy turned 3 months old. Yes, 3 months! It does not feel like that could even be possible, but alas it...