Boston Marathon Training {Week 4}
Boston Marathon Training (4 Weeks Postpartum) This was my first official "step back" week of my Boston Marathon training cycle. I have always been a big fan of step back weeks because after several hard weeks they help your body recover. They are even more important...

Why Losing Running Fitness Isn’t the End of the World
Whether it's due to an injury, pregnancy, or simply life most of us at some point or another are going to face a set back that will cause us to lose fitness we've worked hard to gain. Staring in 2014, I worked really hard to train and get faster. I kept focusing on it...

Then vs. Now
The great and worst thing about social media is that it is a constant reminder of how things have changed. You see a year ago today life was in some ways the same and in other ways very very different. Let's take a look at then vs. now. A year ago today I was training...

Boston Marathon Training {Week 3}
Boston Marathon Training Week 3 (10 Weeks Postpartum) These weeks are really going by fast. It's hard to believe in just 9 short weeks I will be at the start line of Boston. I'm nervous, excited, and terrified all wrapped up into one! I've been feeling more confident...

Getting Over Your Long Run Fears
As many of you know, I ran through 36 weeks of my pregnancy with Easton but my long runs got cut out about 27 weeks. My body wasn't responding as well and so I knew anything over 10 miles was out of the question at that point. As my Boston Marathon training has picked...