How Soon is too Soon to Run Postpartum?
As many of you know I started running 3 weeks postpartum after I was given a clearance from my OBGYN. I struggled a lot when I was pregnant wondering how I would know when I was ready to run again postpartum. There is that constant question so many postpartum women...

My Postpartum Boston Marathon Training Plan
It's hard for me to believe that it's time to start training for the Boston Marathon. It feels like such a short time ago I was beginning this last year, with no idea what was in store for me in the future. I may have missed out on Boston last year, but it was for the...

How to Support Your Runner
It's no secret that my both my husband and I love to run. We don't run the same amounts, the same paces, or at the same times most days but it's always been something that we have in common. We work together to support each other. Before I had Easton, we often got up...

My Running 5 Weeks Postpartum
Hi there! I looked back at least week and noticed there was a lot less running talk. That just won't do so I figured I needed to start this week back off on the right track! 5 weeks postpartum brought some good and tough things. Running has had its highs and lows for...

My Breastfeeding Journey
If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw my post that went into a small bit of detail about my breastfeeding journey so far. However; I wanted to give you all a bit more detail about what's been going on. My plan from the very beginning has been to breastfeed....