How Somersaults Fuels My Postpartum Goals
This post was sponsored by Somersaults as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. Nutrition has always been key for runners, during pregnancy, and now just as important postpartum. Food is fuel it's what...

What Every Woman Should Know About Postpartum Running
Postpartum running has taught me even more than I could imagine. It's a whole new world than anything I have ever experienced before both rewarding and challenging. As I started running again after having my son, I really didn't have any preconceived notions about how...

1 Month Postpartum: My Return to Running
Two weeks ago I updated you all on my postpartum progress. I didn't want to do weekly updates, so I've decided every two weeks is a good amount of time to go between updates, because let's face it nothing drastic is happening weekly at this point. I was excited to see...

New Year, New Me, New Goals
There is always something about a new year that helps you feel excited and invigorated. It also comes at the perfect time for me after having Easton and slowly starting to get back into my running. It's a great time for me to really look at my goals and think truly...

9 Ways You May Be Killing Your Chances of a Marathon PR
The first and most important rule of marathon running is to respect the distance. So many runners sabotage themselves and kill their chances of obtaining that coveted marathon PR. Train hard, focus, and be smart. We have heard these mantras before but I wanted to...