Running and Pregnancy: 37 Weeks

Running and Pregnancy: 37 Weeks

This will be the first week where there is no running mileage included. To be honest, it hasn’t been easy. I miss my sweat, I miss my stress release, but I know my body is thanking me in so many ways. I’ve been able to get a lot more done this week and also been able...

6 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

6 Common Running Mistakes to Avoid

While this post is titled 6 Common Running Mistake to Avoid it can also be called 6 Common Running Mistakes that I have personally made as a runner. As runners we all make mistakes. I’m not ashamed of them because in many ways a lot of those mistakes have taught me...

Finding the Positives in a Running Injury

Finding the Positives in a Running Injury

If you are reading this then most likely you are either injured or you have dealt with a running injury in the past. Injuries are never fun. We can go ahead and get that out there. No matter what the circumstances are surrounding it, whether it’s from your mistakes or...

Running and Pregnancy: 36 Weeks

Running and Pregnancy: 36 Weeks

It's hard to believe that I'm already reporting to you all on my recap of running and pregnancy at 36 weeks! As you all know things changed for me this week. It was a hard week both mentally and physically and while I wish it hadn't turned out the way it did, there...

The End of My Pregnancy Running Journey

The End of My Pregnancy Running Journey

Pregnancy running is hard. Period. This was a post that I was hoping I wouldn’t have to write.  Of course, it fittingly has to come right after I celebrated hitting my goal of 1,000 pregnancy miles. As you probably already know, I’ve wanted to run throughout my entire...

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