Have You Lost Your Running Motivation?
As runners we go through peaks and valleys. We feel on top of the world one minute (or during one training cycle) and then struggle for motivation the next. We lose our running motivation and don’t really understand why a lot of the time. The truth is there can be a...

How Cycling Can Benefit Runners
I mentioned briefly in my 33 week recap that I knew things were going to have to change here for me soon. I love running throughout my pregnancy; however, it isn’t always easy and some days are very challenging. It has kept me sane and feeling relatively good for most...

Running and Pregnancy: 33 Weeks
It’s hard to believe that I started these weekly recaps when I was 14 weeks pregnant. The idea of actually having our little boy seemed so far away. Now I am 33 weeks and the time is quickly approaching. I truly understand what others have said when they talk about...

A Day in the Life {Thursday, October 20th}
Happy Friday! Each Friday means something a lot different to me these days. It’s one Friday closer to meeting our little guy! Not quite ready yet, but we are definitely getting closer! I realized it’s been a while since I have done a day in the life post on here, and...

What’s In Your Gym Bag? {Cottonelle©}
Most of you may not know but the gym is not my favorite place. Wait, what? Ok, I should probably rephrase that I like the gym because it has its purpose, but it's not my first choice for running. There were many mornings in the heart of marathon training that I had to...