Can Your Mattress Improve Your Performance? {PerformaSleep Review}
Can your mattress really affect your running performance? We all know sleep is so important to your performance. Ever since we moved to Virginia and my husband started his medical residency we both get up between 4:00-4:30 AM every day during the week to get in our...

Pregnancy and Running: 22 Weeks
Week after week goes by and it starts to get more and more real. Not only for the fact that my belly continues to grow, but I realize just how quickly December is approaching. I was also contacted this week about a baby shower and I can hardly believe that we are even...

Happy Birthday to my Best Friend!
Today is a very special day in our household so I thought it was necessary to pop in with a quick post. You see, today is my husband’s 30th birthday! I have to mention, it doesn’t bother him at all to turn 30 in fact he is excited in some ways because as he says these...

Feel Good Even When Pregnant: Figure 8 Maternity
Let’s talk maternity clothes. I’ve been trying hard to keep looking presentable even during pregnancy. I’ll be honest and say I was never a fashionable one to begin with, but even when you’re pregnant you want to feel good about yourself. One of my favorite things to...

Pregnancy and Running: 21 Weeks
This is my personal experience with running and pregnancy. Please consult your Doctor before stating any exercise program. Week 21! Wow. I feel like the days pass so slowly but when I look at the calendar and see how quickly December is approaching I have a tiny bit...