5 Tips for Running While Traveling
This weekend we are taking a mini-vacation to Ohio. Ok, well I don’t quite think I’d say “vacation” but we are heading to Ohio for a family wedding. While traveling is stressful, I think we are both looking forward to getting away for a bit and for a bit of an...

Why Do YOU Run
As someone who has been running for many years now, I often get the question: Why do you RUN? I’ve thought about this quite a number of times, and while it all boils down to my true joy of running; running itself has meant many different things to me over the years....

We Are Having A….{Gender Reveal}
First off, thank you all for your patience. We had our reveal on Saturday but wanted to share with a few people before we posted it online for the world to know. We had a wonderful party with family and close friends on Saturday. I'll be honest and say having parties...

Pregnancy and Running: 20 Weeks
This is my personal experience with running and pregnancy. Please consult your Doctor before stating any exercise program. We are halfway there! It’s hard to believe that in just 20 more weeks (maybe less maybe more) we will have a sweet little baby become part of our...

My Three Pregnancy Must Haves
It's hard to believe sometimes that I'm halfway through my pregnant. Sometimes I feel like I've got all the time in the world and other days I have a panic attack on all the things I still have to do. That's completely normal right? Now that I'm halfway there I am...