Pregnancy and Running: 16 Weeks
This is my personal experience with running and pregnancy. Please consult your Doctor before starting any exercise program. Oh wow 16 weeks threw a couple curve balls at me, but that is to be expected right? More on that a little later in my running recap. Some days I...

Vitamins You Can Take With You: VitaFive Review
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that I’ve always been one to take supplements. I eat a very healthy and well-rounded diet, but have found that even through that I have been lacking in certain areas. It’s especially important to me now to make sure...

5 Things I’ve Learned in 5 Years of Marriage
Saturday is a very special day – our 5 year wedding anniversary. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been 5 years and over 11 years together, but I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Don’t get me wrong – those 5 years (and 11 years)...

Truly Listening to Your Body
If you’ve read my blog long enough you’ll know that I can push through a good amount. I’ve gone through periods of burn out, over training, and even just falling out of love with running but I have always come back to it in one way or another. Pregnancy running has...

Pregnancy and Running: 15 Weeks
This is my personal experience with running and pregnancy. Please consult with your doctor before starting any exercise during pregnancy. It is hard to believe another week has already gone by, but then at the same time this week left me pretty exhausted. For some...