Changes I’m Making for Success
One of the biggest struggles I’ve always has is fitting in everything I need or want to do. As runners we know that it goes beyond just getting in your run each morning. Sure, it will get you progress but the little things are what keep us pushing forward and help us...

My Week of Running {and Cycling!}
Each week is quickly teaching me more and more. You’d think after 5+ years of running I’d have this all figured by now, but no matter what running continues to teach me things. This was the most consistent week I have had, and while I still don’t feel back to normal I...

An A to Z Survey
Happy happy Friday! I feel it a slight victory that I made it to Friday and got up 4 mornings in a row to fit in my run! More to come on that later, but progress is slowly being made. To be honest, I’m having a bit of writers block today. There is a lot I want to talk...

True Thoughts On Your First Run Back
This week I officially began running without the run/walk method. The good thing about only taking 4-5 weeks off is I didn’t have to start back QUITE as slow. I’m still easing into it but it feels good to be really running again. My first run was Monday morning, and...

My First Week of Running {Weekly Recap}
I am counting this week as my first week back to running. Of course, I have quite a ways to go and am in no way rushing it but it feels good to finally be able to say that! My body is responding pretty well. It’s still taking some time to get used to get up early in...