Training Log: My First Week of Boston Marathon Training

The first week of Boston training is complete! To be honest, it wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting. My awesome coach is making sure to ease me into training and I have to say it is a whole different experience instead of jumping right in so fast. We had a big snow...

6 Songs I’m Loving When Stuck on a Treadmill

Happy FRIDAY! Even though I had a short week, it has seemed to go by so slow. Both my husband and I have been really exhausted all week. We are really looking forward to catching up on some much needed sleep this weekend. We’ve got a snow storm coming through today,...

My Outlook as I Begin Boston Training

A few weeks ago as I saw the beginning of Boston Marathon training approaching, I began to get nervous. I was excited, but something was still holding me back from really feeling ready to begin this next training cycle. I have dreamed for years about being able to...

Training Log: The Calm Before the Storm

All of my runs and workouts in my training log are personalized for me by my coach, Dan from DWRunning. Big training weeks are fun. They really are, but they can be pretty exhausting. On the other side, recovery weeks are also fun in their own way. I got to sleep in...

5 Tips for Post Race Recovery

We train for months to get to the start line of the race both mentally and physically. You’ve worked hard, you’ve run your race, and now you’re excited to see what else you can do. Not so fast. It has taken me man years to understand the importance of letting your...

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