
Passion. It is such a simple word, but there is so much to it. We all have our own passions. Things that make us thrive, that makes us tick that in many ways simply makes us who we are. (source) I always refer to running as my passion. The other day while I was out...

Running Bliss and SureSport Compression Sleeves

There is such a thing as pure running bliss. At times I thought I had lost it, but Sunday my faith was rejuvinated. Sunday morning I woke up and just felt like I was in a funk. I did want to run but I was having a hard time motivating myself to get moving. I think...

Running Lately

I updated my About Me page this week. It was completely out dated so I figured it was time for a little revamping!   I honestly miss doing my weekly marathon training posts. Not only were they fun to write, but I still like to look back on them for reference....

A Day In the Life (Volume 3)

I don't know about you all, but I am so excited that Friday is HERE! Not only is it the weekend, but it officially marks the end of my husband's night rotation. He will have some night calls here and there, but the rest of his rotations of his intern year are day...

Early Morning Running Safety

Ever since I began marathon training back in July (yes, it really has been that long I had to go check for myself) I have had to do many early morning workouts. I remember living in Pennsylvania and thinking that getting up at 5:00 AM was the end of the world and it...

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