Happy Thanksgiving

In the hustle and bustle of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving often gets overlooked somehow. I’m not quite sure why because it is a holiday I absolutely love. This year is very special to us. Aside from all the wonderful things we are thankful for, it is also the...

A New Week and a New Beginning

You are going to get two posts in two days. I don't think that has happened in quite some time! This week is pretty awesome. I wish I could have seen this over a year ago when this crazy journey started, but I know there are reasons behind everything. Friday was my...

Hanson’s Marathon Method Week 19 Recap

I am tired. I guess I should expect that after 19 weeks of training right? I think that should be the theme of this week. I am officially 3 weeks out. 3 weeks out. I keep saying that over and over to myself and can hardly believe it. If the nerves are already starting...

Puritan’s Pride November Smoothie Challenge {and Giveaway!}

This post was sponsored by Puritan’s Pride; all opinions expressed are my own. This time of year is always a struggle when it comes to getting sick. Aside from this time of year, being in an stuffy office with various people who are sick can make someone trying to...

What Are Your Limits?

Is this not the best time of the year for running? Without a doubt this is my favorite time of year. The crips fall air (even though its felt more like winter lately) is absolutely awesome!   I’ve been thinking a lot about limits lately. WE all have them in...

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