Hanson’s Marathon Method Week 17 Recap

This week officially hit the 4 WEEK mark until my marathon. It was a bit surreal because now the count down is OFFICIALLY on! It’s amazing how long some days can feel but how quickly time passes. There were some fun but busy changes happening this week: 1. My husband...

Things That Are Making Me Happy This Week

Sometimes at the end of the week I like to look back and reflect on the awesome things that are making me happy. Recently, I have felt so blessed and thought today I woulds hare some of the things that are making me happy in my life right now.   My Hubby is Home...

Running When Sick

Friday morning, on my day off from running, I woke up knowing that something felt off. You know that feeling you get in your body right before you are about to get sick? Yeah it was there in full swing! I guess I should be thankful I am getting my fall cold out of the...

Hanson’s Marathon Method Week 16 Recap

There are a couple exciting things happening this week (that will be divulged in the very near future) so to say that I am a little excited that this week is complete is an understatement. This week went by without much excitement. It's officially week 16 of my...

Run With the Body You Have

First off, thank you all so much for your kind words on my marathon announcement post! I am really excited, and have already heard from a couple people who have run Kiawah. Of course, the nerves will eventually kick in full steam but for now I am enjoying the...

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