by Sara | Aug 31, 2016 | Running
I know today isn’t Monday but to me it still is one of my number one rules. Never miss a Monday. Have I broken this rule a time or two? Yes. However; it is often the biggest motivator to get me out of bed when my alarm goes off sometime between 4-4:25 AM. Let’s face...
by Sara | Aug 28, 2016 | Pregnancy, Running, Weekly Pregnancy Recap, Weekly Recap
These weeks are seriously flying by. However; if some days you ask me I’ll tell you these days are dragging. They say the days are slow but the years are fast right? I can see that! I’ve been dealing with some pretty extreme exhaustion this week which is pretty...
by Sara | Aug 26, 2016 | Music, Running
As you read this I am probably on the treadmill (or outside) getting in my long run. I’m switching things up a bit, and since I have today off work while we are spending the weekend at the beach I figured I’d take advantage so I can help Wes tomorrow during his long...
by Sara | Aug 21, 2016 | Pregnancy, Running, Weekly Pregnancy Recap
We have only 3 months until this little boy is expected to arrive. I really don’t know how that happened! It’s exciting and terrifying all at once but I’m just trying to take it a day at a time and just do what I can do. I have to say though between the realization of...
by Sara | Aug 17, 2016 | Marathon, Running
Last week I talked about realizing I had reached a limit in my journey of running during pregnancy. We all at some point reach limits; it’s just a part of running and training hard. I can name two specific instances where I have reached a limit while running. One of...
by Sara | Aug 14, 2016 | Pregnancy, Running, Weekly Pregnancy Recap
It’s hard to believe on Monday I will be 6 months pregnant. Seriously, where is this time going? Some days I feel like these are LONG days and then before I know it we are in our 6th month? I think I need to get on top of a few things! The good news is we’ve made some...